He called me naive, but he didn’t realize that I was simply rooting for him. I know that the path where words align with action is built on uneven ground. I was perched on a high branch above him hoping he would find his footing. He called me naive, but he didn’t...
Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

This is
Dear Men

When I Say I Want You
When I say I want you... What I mean to say is that there’s a special tree in a grove of oaks that towers over me on my daily walk. His gaze, like a guardian beast, leaves me breathless. Though I am dressed in wool and leather, under his shadow I am as bare as...
Enrich Me
I once heard a story about the meaning of enrichment. It was about the c*ck of a god that was torn off and swallowed by a fish. It was lost forever. But as the tale goes, it is the reason that the land becomes fertile when the great river floods. Though this is the...
Dear Men: What to Do About the Feminine Awakening
(audio version below) I once had a conversation with a woman who had spent 15 years as a sex worker. She was the one whom men came to when they could not go to anyone else. You may not think of it like this, but she called her profession therapy. I could have asked...

Work with me

1:1 - Emotional Alchemy
Deeply personal 1:1 support

The Art of Worship
Experience the power of surrender

The Heartbreak Cure
A 1:1 program on turning pain into power
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40