Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.


Inner Narrative Alchemy

Our lives are built upon our narratives. Our power – or lack thereof – lives in how we tell our stories. 

Most of the time we don’t realize the kinds of yarns we’re spinning, so we end up with a pile of loose threads. These bits show up in your body, through overwhelm, pain and illness, how you approach intimacy, and your overall feeling of being at home in your skin.   

But imagine if you were to piece these unfinished ends together. And imagine if someone were to support you in this process, pointing out how things fit together and how they can be unraveled. 

You might see that you’ve been making art this whole time. You might heal into wholeness.

Why invest in reframing your story?

I believe the world needs more people who are unapologetic about who they are and what they want. But the world especially needs those whose lack of shame comes from aligning themselves to something greater than just who they think they are and what they think they want. 

This is the work of inner narrative alchemy. 

In our 1:1 work you are the narrator and lead in your story. I am the witness (or the reader), guiding you to see what was hidden. Perhaps what you call dishonor was actually courage, what you call heartbreak was really a tough teacher whose classroom you can choose to exit, and what has brought you joy deserves unabashed, wild celebration. 

You deserve to discover a sense of personal power and embodiment unlike any you’ve ever experienced. You deserve to unearth your gifts and offer them with pure delight.    

In a world that seems hell bent on keeping you small, you deserve to climb to the highest peaks and announce your presence. 

Start alchemizing your inner narrative today.

“Sonja is a wise, authentic guide teaching deep and mind-blowing truths using a fun, light-hearted approach”


How to Write Your Personal Redemption Story

Every legend usually starts with some kind of failure. Like when my ex-wife and I were in the middle of a divorce and she said to me, “I feel bad for you because you don’t know who you are.” 

She was right. And I thank her dearly for pointing it out. Her harsh words sent me on a journey of self-exploration that involved learning wisdom traditions, befriending my body, awakening the parts numbed by trauma until they could dance again, and writing about it at every step. 

I was reborn. Yet I have not forgotten all the parts of me that happened in the past. I hold all of me tenderly in my heart. I am that woman who didn’t know herself, just like I am the woman who now knows who she is and what she has to offer. 

I’m not saying you should do it the way I did. In fact, please don’t. Make your legend your own, weaving it from the pieces of you that you have wanted to shun and shut away. Kiss them sweetly and call them yours.   

Because when you reclaim the worst things, you’ll realize the best things.  

(Learn more about my personal story.)

What’s included?

When you work with me, you’ll choose a level for regular 1:1 sessions and receive access to a personalized mentorship that leads you through talk-based sessions, somatic practices, and journaling prompts to shift your mindset and make friends with your desires.

  • Gold gets you twice monthly 1:1 sessions.
  • Sapphire gets you weekly 1:1 sessions.

All memberships begin with an initial intuitive healing. Because the work builds with consistency and trust, I ask for a six-month commitment from all new clients.

“Sonja’s gifts never cease to amaze me. Her intuition and insight is spot on. Sonja has helped me find peace, clarity and healing during the most difficult times of my life.”


What the Work Looks Like

The best kind of healing has no agenda for where we’ll go, but begins with intention.  

You show up with an idea of the places where you feel stuck, I’ll guide you to befriend your barriers and uncover your deepest values. 

Our 1:1 work is about following your life force to the juiciest spots where your true yeses and nos await. We’ll journey organically through wisdom teachings drawn from from my 20+ years as an intuitive healer, somatic sex educator and my ongoing spiritual studies.   

This work is not about finally getting fixed or always making the right choices. This work is about:

  • being willing to stand honestly in your story, to say where you’re ridiculously talented and where you have fallen short. 
  • recognizing that every challenge gives you a choice (and that you can change your mind at any point).   
  • seeing yourself as the hero of your story instead of the one who has been done to.

Find out more about my perspective on this work, and get started with inner narrative alchemy today.

“I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror and say a nice thing about myself when we first started working together. I can say all kinds of nice things to myself now.”


Alchemize your Narrative

Want a Taste Test Instead?


If you're not ready to commit to a monthly schedule, I completely understand. that's why I offer a four pack of sessions! It allows you to try out Inner Narrative Alchemy without committing long term. 

The four-pack is $600, and sessions can be booked within six months of purchase. You can still schedule a free intro call too, to see if you'd be a good fit! 

The Journal

“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”

The Bhagavad Gita 2:40