Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.
The Heartbreak Cure
Turn your pain into power

Tell me about the ways love has struck you down.
Now let me show you how to lift yourself up again.
Reimagining Heartbreak as Fuel
What if everything we know about losing love is incorrect?
You know the story – you opened your heart to someone. They tossed it in the trash. You’re destined to spend the rest of your life feeling unsafe and unworthy in love.
But what if I told you that within every story of pain was a story of your power?
That’s right – each time you offered your heart to someone, you not only affirmed your belief in the value of your love, but also entered a powerful space of self-discovery where you can learn about who you are.
This path – the one where hearts are not broken apart, but broken open – is how you can learn to fall in love with love again.
Not sure how it works? That is what the Heartbreak Cure is here to show you.
This 1:1 coaching experience is a mentorship in the art of romantic love as a spiritual journey, and it just might make you a legendary lover.

How to Get Over Your Ex
If you’ve struggled to get over an ex, gotten fixed on an ideal rather than an actual person, or felt you’d never find someone like them again, the answer is usually not getting that person back.
Instead, the answer is reclaiming your energy from the places you left it.
Now, if you know me, you know that I’m not going to let a woo-woo statement like that just sit there. I’m going to give you concrete steps to understand how the process works, using mind, body, and spirit.
Here’s the roadmap that the Heartbreak Cure offers:
1. Writing as a tool for self-discovery. (mind)
You’ll receive creative writing practices and guidance to map your story of heartbreak and retell it as a source of power. You’ll get writing prompts, journaling exercises, and tips for getting the most out of your creative process.
2. Somatic practices to make peace with painful emotions. (body)
I’ll share somatic practices to tap into the wisdom hiding in your body about your desires and values. Learn how to unravel the “stuckness” in your body and more safely feel your feelings.
3. Make magic to transform grief and call in what you truly desire (spirit)
Pleasure is a kind of magic power that can transform anything it touches. You’ll receive access to a spellbook of rituals that will allow you to find your erotic power, contain it, and use it for your highest good.
Through this coaching program, you’ll learn how to tell the story of the pain you felt from a break up, unrequited love, or unmet longing as your own personal legend.
Sign up for the Heartbreak Cure and and turn your pain into power.
Your Love Story
Within every story of heartbreak lies a tale of redemption.
That’s right – waiting patiently in the dark places where you’ve cried your eyes out, begged them to stay, and thrown yourself at them is the story of your greatest power.
It just takes a little coaxing to get it to come out from the shadows.
Coaxing in the form of allowing the pain to be witnessed, then recognizing its true form – your wholeness, your value, your desires.
Because here’s the thing – any act you do in the name of love is a gift to the world. Yes, even that thing you said or did that you are too ashamed to tell anyone about – that was a gift too.
Give me a minute, and I’ll explain.
The world we live in is filled with destruction. War. Anger. Violence. Name calling. Finger pointing. Blame and victimization.
But that’s not all there is.
Love is present too (perhaps you know this already). It shows up in the love we feel for children, friends, lovers. It rises as we reach for each other despite our fears of being hurt. It shows up in flirtations, right swipes, the way we can become enchanted over a sunset.

Perhaps it’s not that love is a lesser power, but that we’ve made the violence louder than it deserves to be.
If that’s the truth, then it’s up to us to make love sing louder. Starting with our personal stories of heartbreak.
By reframing the stories of our pain as the way we found our power…
By calling back our energy from the ones we loved…
By bandaging our bruises and learning to be proud of what we have risked in the name of love…
This is your love story, told your way.

The Heartbreak Cure is for you if:
- You have lingering, undigested feelings about a past heartbreak – anger, grief, shame – and need to move on.
- You fall in love easily, and have a hard time letting go.
- You feel yourself pulled between cynicism and an undying belief in love.
- You have struggled to define your energetic boundaries with partners and lovers and want to learn how to protect yourself without closing off.
- You have a poetic heart and a desire to use creativity as a tool for healing.
- You know that you have a story to tell, and are ready to write it.
If you have come to realize that the world does not value love like you do – and you want to be part of changing this narrative, sign up for the Heartbreak Cure today and learn to lead with your heart wide open.
How the Journey Works
The Heartbreak Cure is designed as a writing course, a healing program, and a journey into the world of erotic magic all in one. It includes:
Mythos as a way to understand life
Each module follows the ancient myth of Parvati (Shakti) and Siva. As you learn (or relearn) the story of Parvati’s awakening to her own inherent worth as she searches for love from (a rather avoidant) Siva, you’ll find a mythical representation of your path to power.
Creative writing as a tool for processing, reframing, and reclaiming your power
You’ll drop into creative writing practices and journaling exercises that retrace the story of your heartbreak and rewrite it with yourself as the main character – one who triumphs in the face of adversity. At the end, you’ll have written a mini memoir that celebrates the way you love.
Somatic practices to bring you into your body, and your power
Learn to more safely feel what you have been avoiding and reclaim the energy you left behind in people, places, and situation(ship)s.
Erotic magic to release bonds and draw back your energy
Learn rituals that center pleasure and eroticism as the state change needed to transform what you run from into something you embrace with open arms.
Far more than an intellectual experience, the Heartbreak Cure offers a journey into the lived, felt process of collecting the stories in your body and placing them on the altar of your life.

Access the Heartbreak Cure
A 90-day program to turn your pain into power.
- Four 90-minute 1:1 sessions with me to guide your healing process.
- An eb00k filled with resources, journaling prompts, and at-home rituals.
- Writing practices to guide you in your journey from heartbreak to healing.
- Text support during the 90 days you’re breaking the heartbreak.
- A retelling of the legendary love of Parvati and Siva.
- A closing ceremony to affirm your desires, wisdom, and possibilities.
Book your free intro call — like a first date to see if we’re a fit.
My Love Story
I believe in love. I know it sounds naive to some, but this is a power that has defined my life, for better, not for worse.
My love for love is so great that I wrote my first book, Letters to My Lovers, all about what I’ve learned in the process of keeping my heart permeable.
If you’ve read my book, you know that my heart has been broken. Ripped to shreds. Tossed aside like yesterday’s leftovers. Yet still I stand. My decades of training in spirituality, creative power, and somatic expression has taught me how to integrate these experiences and turn them into something holy.
Each time I’ve loved and lost, I have learned core truths about who I am and what I am here to do. And one of the things I know I am here to do is to spread the message of how to love – smarter, better, and deeper.
My story is about learning to both protect my heart and keep it open. To turn toward myself as the main character of my story and still allow others to knock on my door.
My Training
The Heartbreak Cure brings together three of my greatest passions – writing, mysticism, and human sexuality.
I’ve been a writer since I could hold a pen, and a voracious reader who has consumed stories and poems that center our human search for love as reason enough to keep living. I believe that creativity is one of the only universal things we can turn to when we want to make the senselessness of life make sense.
Attracted to mysticism and spirituality all my life, I’ve spent the past 25 years in intensive study of intuitive healing, traditional witchcraft, the deeper teachings of yoga, earth-based healing traditions, the power of the feminine, inner union, emotional alchemy and more. The central message I’ve received through these is that love is the fabric of the universe, and the human experience is to routinely forget this truth and forgive ourselves anyway.
I’ve always been intrigued by human sexuality. I’ve studied its power to heal (and hurt), explored all shapes and styles of relationships (monogamous long-term partnerships, open relating, queer and hetero, casual, and D/s), held the hands of sexual assault survivors as a trauma-informed advocate, and studied various techniques to harness and direct erotic energy (somatic sex education, kink, and sex magic).
I weave everything I’ve learned into this program, the Heartbreak Cure.
Whether you do this course to fall back in love with yourself, recover from a brutal breakup, or prepare for your next partner, it’s an honor to guide your journey.
The answers are inside you – you just need to listen.
In Your Words
“I am a changed person because of Sonja and so are my relationships.”
"I was surprised by how well Sonja really listened to me, and not just my words. She is present, and thus can find the deeper expression among all the rambling and 'I don’t knows.'"
"Sonja is a wise, authentic guide teaching deep and mind-blowing truths using a fun, light-hearted approach.
After each session, I feel more in touch with my intuition and filled with optimism."

The Journal
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