In another life, we might have been flowers. Not roses, their petals are far too strong to describe us. Not daffodils or daisies either, or any of the cultivated varieties. We would be the tender little wildflowers that dance in the fields of grass. As the summer...
Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.
This is
Enrich Me
I once heard a story about the meaning of enrichment. It was about the c*ck of a god that was torn off and swallowed by a fish. It was lost forever. But as the tale goes, it is the reason that the land becomes fertile when the great river floods. Though this is the...
The Wisdom of the Muse
Do you ever forget yourself? Put differently, do you ever forget your capacity for greatness, for self-expression, for being a valuable member of your chosen community? Do you forget yourself as an artist? A thinker? A creator of new ways? If your memory is a little...
On Aftercare
This piece is part of my monthly series, The Spiritual Side of Sex. Read more like it here. It’s a known, but often unsaid, thing: sex opens us up in a way that nothing else can. Physically, emotionally, spiritually – we come open. Sometimes we are ripped open....
The Wisdom of Vulnerability
What would it take to really heal? A weeklong retreat? A five-figure coaching package? Finally confronting that person? Sure, those things can help. But if you truly want to know what it means to heal, there’s something else to toss into your cauldron: vulnerability....
To Leonie, Age 7 (take 2)
Every year on my daughter’s birthday I write her a love letter. One day maybe she will want to read them. My sweet girl, I had written an entirely different letter for you this year. It was complete and perfect in its expression of love for who you have been in my...
Touchable Sadness
My wish for you is simple: may you never experience pain. Or sadness, or grief, or terror, or the anger that too often masks these emotions. But that is a false wish, the type that I might have made one adolescent evening only to forget it the next day. It is...
The Wisdom of Nurturance
(listen to the audio recording) There’s a woman who travels with me everywhere I go. Her name: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Aka, “Virgin Mary.” Whenever I go somewhere new, meet someone new, or have to do something I would rather not do, I loop her image etched into...
Work with me
1:1 - Emotional Alchemy
Deeply personal 1:1 support
The Art of Worship
Experience the power of surrender
The Heartbreak Cure
A 1:1 program on turning pain into power
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40