He called me naive, but he didn’t realize that I was simply rooting for him. I know that the path where words align with action is built on uneven ground. I was perched on a high branch above him hoping he would find his footing. He called me naive, but he didn’t...
Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.
This is
The Thing About Love
When it is real, it will crush you. But in the way that grapes are crushed for wine. It will rip off your eyelids. But in the way that allows you to see more daylight. It will smash its waves endlessly against you. But in the way that roots you into the courage to...
The Beauty of Giving a Fuck
I once loved a man in whose potential I believed deeply. Our bond was built on a shared desire to live free from shame, a promise I made to myself when I was 20 and echoed by him years later when we met. Though he and I lived toward the same end – the goal of giving...
The Wisdom of Beauty
I am writing this where I have been doing most of my writing for the past month – in a small hotel room with bad lighting and an open suitcase. Currently the setting is Rome, a place I swore I would never return. It was an ugly city that first time, in my eyes it was...
The Wisdom of Desire
An astrologer once told me to be careful what I ask for, because I will likely get it. This was in reference to a sweep of stars and planets in my birth chart, a pattern that showed him my power to bring into fruition my desires. It’s a big responsibility to work...
The River
The current was strong, but I jumped in anyway. The cold was bracing; my breath left my body as I paddled madly toward the shore. Splashing and laughing, I managed to glance behind me. Your strong arms were quickly pulling your form through the water. You were close....
Enrich Me
I once heard a story about the meaning of enrichment. It was about the c*ck of a god that was torn off and swallowed by a fish. It was lost forever. But as the tale goes, it is the reason that the land becomes fertile when the great river floods. Though this is the...
On Aftercare
This piece is part of my monthly series, The Spiritual Side of Sex. Read more like it here. It’s a known, but often unsaid, thing: sex opens us up in a way that nothing else can. Physically, emotionally, spiritually – we come open. Sometimes we are ripped open....
Before I go feral. Before I go make my home in a moss-covered hovel. Before I leave behind my lipstick and mirrors and stop pulling out the tiny branches that I’ve captured in my hair while running naked through the trees. Before I forget the joy of lounging in the...
The Wisdom of Vulnerability
What would it take to really heal? A weeklong retreat? A five-figure coaching package? Finally confronting that person? Sure, those things can help. But if you truly want to know what it means to heal, there’s something else to toss into your cauldron: vulnerability....
Work with me
1:1 - Inner Narrative Alchemy
Deeply personal 1:1 support
The Art of Worship
Harness the power of your body - and use it for the highest good
Love Story
A 1:1 program on turning pain into power
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40