Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

The Nest
The Great Mama lives up high. Most days, you’ll find her resting in a nest of downy feathers she’s built in the branches of a 4,000 year-old bristlecone pine tree.
She’s saved a place for you here, but to see this view you have to brave the rocky slopes and rarefied air. The journey is worth it, but it’s a whole lot more fun with some guidance from someone who has been there.
Welcome to The Nest, a membership program that offers access to the Great Mama’s wisdom at the level that is right for you.
“Sonja is a wise, authentic guide teaching deep and mind-blowing truths using a fun, light-hearted approach

The Nest is…
The Nest is a place to learn.
Each month, you’ll get access to my secret journal, which holds wisdom teachings, such as:
- Ayurvedic (un)recipes (like coconut oil shortbread) that serve as guideposts for your kitchen witchery
- Practical teachings on Ayurvedic wisdom. Go beyond the dosha quiz and into an intuitive understanding of your body.
- Yoga tutorials to support a meaningful home practice of asana, meditation, pranayama, and beyond
- Creative sparks from contemplation practices and journal prompts to get you into writing
- My most intimate journal entries and essays
- Special discounts on upcoming courses
The Nest is a place to gather.
- Members at the Copper level and above get access to Awake in The Nest, a monthly live gathering devoted to wild exploration. Each month we’ll dive into one theme — such as hunger, playfulness, or nourishment — that allows you to rewrite the story of your life.
- Learn a shared language of healing and exploration and join a community working along the same path.
The Nest is a place to learn to fly.
- Sink into the life-changing wisdom from members-only wisdom content and creative prompts.
Sign up for the Gold, Sapphire, or Diamond levels and step into your light with 1:1 Wisdom Guidance. Learn more about 1:1 Wisdom Guidance here.
“Sonja’s gifts never cease to amaze me. Her intuition and insight is spot on. Sonja has helped me find peace, clarity and healing during the most difficult times of my life.”
What is the Nest?
Like all of creation, The Nest was born from a desire.
Here is what has been expressed to me by clients:
- The desire to explore the skies and have a safe place to land.
- The desire for community and a safe place to gather together.
- The desire to play with deep and challenging ideas.
Add your heart to this desire by joining The Nest.
What Will You Find in The Nest?
If you click the “Journal” link in my menu, you’ll see a range of posts. Some are public and some are locked. As a member of The Nest, your login allows you access to a storehouse of essays, videos, and resources that inspire you to write a new story of your life, guided by the wisdom of Ayurveda, yoga, and intuitive expression.
Each month I’ll publish up to four posts on a theme and host a live, online gathering, called Awake in The Nest. Depending on your membership level, you’ll get access to some or all of these.
The posts allow you to reframe your relationship to that month’s theme through wisdom teachings and practices to bring the topic to life.

Here is a tease of common posts:
- Creative Sparks: Journaling prompts and creative exercises to get you writing
- Confessionals: My most intimate personal stories
- Intuitive Ayurveda: Ayurvedic teachings that unlock your ability to read your own body — going beyond the prison of dos and don’ts.
- Dear Men: Essays on femsplaining
- The Spiritual Side of Sex: Sacred discoveries about the power of pleasure
- Yoga at Home: Contemplations of yoga beyond the poses, as well as tutorials of practices you can do anywhere, including yoga nidra recordings, guided meditations, pranayama, and the occasional yoga pose.
- Nourish: My most cherished Ayurvedic (un)recipes, a way to learn Ayurvedic cooking the way it is meant to be taught — through a combination of insight and intuition (for Silver level and higher)
Themes for the next six months

May: Receiving

June: Generosity

July: Intuition

August: Perfection

September: Disruption

November: Distance
Level 1: Access the Nest
The Nest | Copper
Introductory Access- Access to Tier 1 of the Nest Journal
- Access to Tier 2 of the Nest Journal (Including Ayurvedic (un)Recipes)
- Access to Awake in the Nest Live Monthly Gatherings
The Nest | Silver
Awake in the Nest- Access to Tier 1 of the Nest Journal
- Access to Tier 2 of the Nest Journal (Including Ayurvedic (un)Recipes)
- Access to Awake in the Nest Live Monthly Gatherings
Level 2: Meet the Wisdom inside You
Wisdom Guidance | Gold
Three Month Minimum Commitment- Access to Tier 1 of the Nest Journal
- Access to Tier 2 of the Nest Journal (Including Ayurvedic (un)Recipes)
- Access to Awake in the Nest Live Monthly Gatherings
- Discounts on Courses such as BodyStory
- 1:1 sessions TWICE MONTHLY
Wisdom Guidance | Sapphire
Most Popular Package | Three Month Minimum Commitment- Access to Tier 1 of the Nest Journal
- Access to Tier 2 of the Nest Journal (Including Ayurvedic (un)Recipes)
- Access to Awake in the Nest Live Monthly Gatherings
- Discounts on Courses such as BodyStory
- 1:1 sessions ONCE WEEKLY
Wisdom Guidance | Diamond
Three Month Minimum Commitment- Access to Tier 1 of the Nest Journal
- Access to Tier 2 of the Nest Journal (Including Ayurvedic (un)Recipes)
- Access to Awake in the Nest Live Monthly Gatherings
- Discounts on Courses such as BodyStory
- 1:1 sessions TWICE WEEKLY
I offer two discounted scholarships for Wisdom Guidance (Gold and higher) each year. These are designed for those who otherwise could not afford work with me. Contact me for details.
The Journal
How not to fear falling in love
Here’s a bittersweet pill on your screen: We cannot love without losing. I discovered this when I was writing my book, Letters to My Lovers. And when I first felt this sword in my throat, it stung. Until I learned it didn’t have to. So let me show you how to swallow...
Stop searching for your soulmate
Why this modern day fairy tale keeps you from your true power in love. Whenever I hear a client talk about wanting to find their soulmate, their twin flame, their divine union, the “one,” I know exactly the path our work will go. Namely: expanding their understanding...
This is not a Valentine’s Day post
Roses are red. Violets are blue. I’m a lover conflicted about Valentine’s Day. How about you? When I was an adolescent, my middle school sold pink carnations on Valentine’s Day. The idea was that the boys could buy them for their girlfriends (or desired girlfriends)....
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40