Love is on the screen again. I swipe away the men like flies who share the secrets of the not-so-fair sex. My eyes linger on the sad poetry that falls from the mouths of the women who have loved and lived to tell the tale. And when someone is brave enough to offer...
Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

This is
Sacred Feminism

He called me naive, but he didn’t realize that I was simply rooting for him. I know that the path where words align with action is built on uneven ground. I was perched on a high branch above him hoping he would find his footing. He called me naive, but he didn’t...
Tender Hearted Girls
This is for my tender hearted girls. The ones who are told they feel too deeply, cry too much, love too easily. The ones who are called naive or foolish. The ones who get spat upon for swooning over a sunset or chided for burying a dead bird they found and placing a...
The Thing About Love
When it is real, it will crush you. But in the way that grapes are crushed for wine. It will rip off your eyelids. But in the way that allows you to see more daylight. It will smash its waves endlessly against you. But in the way that roots you into the courage to...
The Beauty of Giving a Fuck
I once loved a man in whose potential I believed deeply. Our bond was built on a shared desire to live free from shame, a promise I made to myself when I was 20 and echoed by him years later when we met. Though he and I lived toward the same end – the goal of giving...
The Wisdom of Beauty
I am writing this where I have been doing most of my writing for the past month – in a small hotel room with bad lighting and an open suitcase. Currently the setting is Rome, a place I swore I would never return. It was an ugly city that first time, in my eyes it was...
For My Grandmothers
There is a world in which I never fully existed, one that will always be yours and not mine. Which is another way of saying that you died before you could tell me all your secrets. Maybe I am there with you in some way. In a wisp of memory you held as your light faded...
The Wisdom of the Muse
Do you ever forget yourself? Put differently, do you ever forget your capacity for greatness, for self-expression, for being a valuable member of your chosen community? Do you forget yourself as an artist? A thinker? A creator of new ways? If your memory is a little...
Look at Yourself: A Practice of Self-Love
The greatest acts of self-love take the form of holding dear the parts of us we would rather not admit exist, much less look at with kind eyes. Yes, falling in love with what we think of as our most shameful, horrific parts is exactly the spell needed to break the hex...
I Pray for You
I pray for you every night in the way of the old religion. By which I mean I slip into your bedroom window just after you’ve fallen asleep. I sidle up to your resting form and lay my hand on your arm. You are steady, heavy, almost peaceful (if you can believe that)....

Work with me

1:1 - Emotional Alchemy
Deeply personal 1:1 support

The Art of Worship
Experience the power of surrender

The Heartbreak Cure
A 1:1 program on turning pain into power
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40