A little over a year ago I posted a video on my TikTok that got a modest amount of outcry. Modest enough to pass the algorithm’s test, but also modest enough to garner the interest of a media company who said they wanted to spread the word about what I was saying. ...
Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.
This is
The Thing About Love
When it is real, it will crush you. But in the way that grapes are crushed for wine. It will rip off your eyelids. But in the way that allows you to see more daylight. It will smash its waves endlessly against you. But in the way that roots you into the courage to...
The Beauty of Giving a Fuck
I once loved a man in whose potential I believed deeply. Our bond was built on a shared desire to live free from shame, a promise I made to myself when I was 20 and echoed by him years later when we met. Though he and I lived toward the same end – the goal of giving...
What Ayurveda Taught Me about Creativity
Ayurveda is the best writing teacher I’ve ever had. The world of mung dhal, dinacharya, and five elements seems like an odd place to study my craft, but the moment I began to study Ayurveda I began to write daily – in my morning journaling practice, my public journal...
The Secret to Good Sex is Not What You Think
My husband and I once spent a very hot winter together. Not quite like that. Then again, it was exactly like that. I wrote a bit about it here. It was a hot winter because we were living in the tropics. It was a hot winter because we were fighting like cats and dogs...
A Witch at Home
I need to clear something up: I am a witch. I’ve secretly known this since childhood -- I used to silently cheer on the crone with the green face (I mean, that girl dropped a house on her sister and stole her best shoes). But I had no one to share this hidden truth...
A Question of Consistency
Consistency is about showing up as much as it is about not showing up. For four years, I worked for and studied under a teacher of Ayurveda and yoga who was known to be a strict disciplinarian. Her students reported daily at 5:00 a.m. for nearly three hours of...
Learning from Our Mistakes
I describe my paternal grandfather as an honorable elder in my life. One thing he taught me from a young age was that we learn from our mistakes. Not that it mattered when I broke off the head of the carved onyx knight from his chess set. Or when I neglected to tell...
How to Get Dirty
Is the dirt worse these days or is it that we know too much? When my daughter was 16 months old, I posted a picture on a private online photo album of her drinking from a hose. It was pure and innocent, a refreshing reminder of how I often cooled down on hot days as a...
How to Spot a Karen
Karen, we all know her. Or do we? The first time I heard the Karen trope -- you know, the middle-aged white woman who demands to speak with a manager -- was early in the days of the pandemic. It took me nearly a year to be called one myself. The experience let me in...
Work with me
1:1 - Inner Narrative Alchemy
Deeply personal 1:1 support
The Art of Worship
Harness the power of your body - and use it for the highest good
Love Story
A 1:1 program on turning pain into power
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40