My kitchen sink was once the site of my greatest sorrow, but is now home of my redemption. As the evening fills the sky outside, I am often standing in front of a sink full of dishes and a messy house, counting down the minutes until I can do an hour or two of leisure...
Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

This is

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The Power of a Home Yoga Practice (and How to Set One Up)
As a yoga teacher, I risk being accused of blasphemy by saying this: The power of yoga is not in a group class. The purpose of yoga is to connect with our inner bliss, that god-thing I wrote about last month. Certainly that can be bolstered by a community who...
A Question of Consistency
Consistency is about showing up as much as it is about not showing up. For four years, I worked for and studied under a teacher of Ayurveda and yoga who was known to be a strict disciplinarian. Her students reported daily at 5:00 a.m. for nearly three hours of...

Work with me

1:1 - Emotional Alchemy
Deeply personal 1:1 support

The Art of Worship
Experience the power of surrender

The Heartbreak Cure
A 1:1 program on turning pain into power
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40