Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.
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In Your Words
“I am a changed person because of Sonja and so are my relationships.”
"I was surprised by how well Sonja really listened to me, and not just my words. She is present, and thus can find the deeper expression among all the rambling and 'I don’t knows.'"
"Sonja is a wise, authentic guide teaching deep and mind-blowing truths using a fun, light-hearted approach.
After each session, I feel more in touch with my intuition and filled with optimism."

The Journal
The Things You Made Me Do
(A story of resistance and surrender) The next morning it rained. I buttoned up a warm jacket and set out to find my feet again. Sleepless eyes squinting at the fine mist, I walked with the company of the question: had it really happened? It had. You made me want what...
To Leonie, Age 7 (take 2)
Every year on my daughter’s birthday I write her a love letter. One day maybe she will want to read them. My sweet girl, I had written an entirely different letter for you this year. It was complete and perfect in its expression of love for who you have been in my...
The Wisdom of Resistance
Come close, dear. I have a secret to share. Your resistance contains wisdom. Multitudes of wisdom. Like a chest filled with golden, glistening treasures. You just need to stop shutting the lid if you want the gems. Now, I know what you’re going to say. But Sonja, you...
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40