Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

This is


Endless Summer

It’s damn cold, isn’t it? Good, it should be this time of year. I lived in the tropics for four years. Winter meant wrapping a light sweater around my sundress. On the coldest days, I wore closed-toe shoes. People often look at me in awe when I tell them about my life...

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How to Act

If you believe that laying down arms is the only way to surrender, you're not getting the whole picture. We get this concept confused when it comes to others’ behavior. Their behavior may be wrong, unethical, criminal, unjust, or simply not what we would do. Humans...

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Work with me


1:1 - Inner Narrative Alchemy

Deeply personal 1:1 support

The Art of Worship

Harness the power of your body - and use it for the highest good

Love Story: A Course

A self guided program on turning pain into power

“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”

The Bhagavad Gita 2:40