Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.
BodyStory Custom Erotica

Hello beautiful being.
I’m so honored that you are coming to me for a bespoke exploration of your erotic fantasies.
Bespoke Erotica
The Journal
The Beauty of Giving a Fuck
I once loved a man in whose potential I believed deeply. Our bond was built on a shared desire to live free from shame, a promise I made to myself when I was 20 and echoed by him years later when we met. Though he and I lived toward the same end – the goal of giving...
The Wisdom of Beauty
I am writing this where I have been doing most of my writing for the past month – in a small hotel room with bad lighting and an open suitcase. Currently the setting is Rome, a place I swore I would never return. It was an ugly city that first time, in my eyes it was...
For My Grandmothers
There is a world in which I never fully existed, one that will always be yours and not mine. Which is another way of saying that you died before you could tell me all your secrets. Maybe I am there with you in some way. In a wisp of memory you held as your light faded...
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40