What if everything you know about the story of Medusa is wrong? You know that she turns men to stone. You may know that Perseus the great hero killed her and used her head as a weapon to gain his glory. If you’re really up on the story, you might even know that...
Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.
This is
Wisdom Bites
Endless Summer
It’s damn cold, isn’t it? Good, it should be this time of year. I lived in the tropics for four years. Winter meant wrapping a light sweater around my sundress. On the coldest days, I wore closed-toe shoes. People often look at me in awe when I tell them about my life...
The Heartbreak Cure
I have found a cure for all that ails our hearts. It’s called living with a broken heart. Give me a minute of your time -- it gets better. The History of Your Broken Heart Anyone who is living wisely will have their heart broken -- regularly, routinely, effectively....
How to Act
If you believe that laying down arms is the only way to surrender, you're not getting the whole picture. We get this concept confused when it comes to others’ behavior. Their behavior may be wrong, unethical, criminal, unjust, or simply not what we would do. Humans...
The Red Flag of the White Flag
Surrender is a white flag that raises a ton of red flags. We are taught to defend at all costs. We are taught that letting our guard take a break leaves us at risk. Yet we are never taught that keeping our shield up all the time keeps the good stuff out too. Of course...
A Witch at Home
I need to clear something up: I am a witch. I’ve secretly known this since childhood -- I used to silently cheer on the crone with the green face (I mean, that girl dropped a house on her sister and stole her best shoes). But I had no one to share this hidden truth...
An Ode to Angry Women
This is an ode to angry women. If your goal is to keep things as they have been then by all means, be sweet. Give up your needs, practice your best vacant look, and get ready to swallow a thousand razor sharp words when their hand starts creeping up your skirt. But if...
Things You Didn’t Know The Little Mermaid Was Teaching You
We often lack the words to explain difficult concepts to young children. Heartbreak. Selfishness. Deceit. As adults we must contend with these while also trying to protect our children from, or prepare them for the experience of these realities. Enter the fairy tale....
The Right Relationship with Food
We are terribly confused about food. A five-second Google search offers 6,000 ways to deepen my confusion -- and that’s before I go back in time. From the rise of processed food after World War II to the current obsessions with and aversions to fat, carbs, and sugar,...
The Secret about Healing
I practiced as an intuitive healer for 13 years before I began studying Ayurveda. This means I apply Ayurveda to my client work quite differently from other practitioners. My experience diving into the energy of people -- seeing the ways that their bodies carry the...
Work with me
1:1 - Emotional Alchemy
Deeply personal 1:1 support
The Art of Worship
Experience the power of surrender
The Heartbreak Cure
A 1:1 program on turning pain into power
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40