Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

The Secret about Healing

by | Sep 7, 2021 | Intuitive Ayurveda, Journal, Self-love, Wisdom Bites | 0 comments

I practiced as an intuitive healer for 13 years before I began studying Ayurveda.

This means I apply Ayurveda to my client work quite differently from other practitioners.

My experience diving into the energy of people — seeing the ways that their bodies carry the energetic burdens of their lives — has taught me a lot about how healing works.

Many people who come to Ayurveda believe that if they only stop eating this or start eating that, their digestive complaints will disappear. But I have seen with my own third eye that is only part of the story.

The body does not work in isolation of the experience of the emotional experience of life. It is impossible to separate your relationship with your mother and how you digest grain. No kitchadi cleanse will ever change that truth.

The secret of healing is that form follows consciousness. In other words, your physical experience stems from your emotional and mental constructs.

Before you twist this to blame yourself — this doesn’t mean your physical ailments are all in your head. This teaching simply means that before you change your diet, you might first try learning to love what seems unlovable.



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