What if everything you know about the story of Medusa is wrong? You know that she turns men to stone. You may know that Perseus the great hero killed her and used her head as a weapon to gain his glory. If you’re really up on the story, you might even know that...
Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

This is
Sacred Feminism

A Witch at Home
I need to clear something up: I am a witch. I’ve secretly known this since childhood -- I used to silently cheer on the crone with the green face (I mean, that girl dropped a house on her sister and stole her best shoes). But I had no one to share this hidden truth...
Devotion to the Day
My kitchen sink was once the site of my greatest sorrow, but is now home of my redemption. As the evening fills the sky outside, I am often standing in front of a sink full of dishes and a messy house, counting down the minutes until I can do an hour or two of leisure...
An Ode to Angry Women
This is an ode to angry women. If your goal is to keep things as they have been then by all means, be sweet. Give up your needs, practice your best vacant look, and get ready to swallow a thousand razor sharp words when their hand starts creeping up your skirt. But if...
Dear Men: What to Do About the Feminine Awakening
(audio version below) I once had a conversation with a woman who had spent 15 years as a sex worker. She was the one whom men came to when they could not go to anyone else. You may not think of it like this, but she called her profession therapy. I could have asked...
What Dolly Parton Teaches Us
There is a body signal that some adults send out when they meet my daughter. The only word to describe it is intimidation. Yes, my daughter is five, and she intimidates grownups. It’s not just my daughter. If you were to put these intimidated adults into any room with...
How to Make Life Your Plaything
I just finished a marathon afternoon of play with my four-year-old daughter, Leonie. It sounds easy, but as any mama knows, play is hard work. The reason we parents are so exhausted at the end of the day is not just because we are doing the dishes and cooking and...
How to Spot a Karen
Karen, we all know her. Or do we? The first time I heard the Karen trope -- you know, the middle-aged white woman who demands to speak with a manager -- was early in the days of the pandemic. It took me nearly a year to be called one myself. The experience let me in...
Watching Her Walk Away
As I write this my daughter is settling in for a nap for the first time ever at her daycare. At first glance, it may sound odd to say that with such a dramatic tone. I mean, to use the precious beginning line of a post to tell you that she’s taking a nap at her school...

Work with me

1:1 - Emotional Alchemy
Deeply personal 1:1 support

The Art of Worship
Experience the power of surrender

The Heartbreak Cure
A 1:1 program on turning pain into power
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40