Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.
BodyStory Custom Erotica

Hello beautiful being.
I’m so honored that you are coming to me for a bespoke exploration of your erotic fantasies.
Bespoke Erotica
The Journal
Tender Hearted Girls
This is for my tender hearted girls. The ones who are told they feel too deeply, cry too much, love too easily. The ones who are called naive or foolish. The ones who get spat upon for swooning over a sunset or chided for burying a dead bird they found and placing a...
The Wisdom of Surrender
When you are tired. When you are overwhelmed. When you have screamed all there is to scream or have swallowed every whimper until silence is all that greets you. When the thing you thought was gone for good shows up with a suitcase. When you are out of ideas and...
The Thing About Love
When it is real, it will crush you. But in the way that grapes are crushed for wine. It will rip off your eyelids. But in the way that allows you to see more daylight. It will smash its waves endlessly against you. But in the way that roots you into the courage to...
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40