Here’s a bittersweet pill on your screen: We cannot love without losing. I discovered this when I was writing my book, Letters to My Lovers. And when I first felt this sword in my throat, it stung. Until I learned it didn’t have to. So let me show you how to swallow...
Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

This is
I call this “The Journal” instead of “The Blog,” because it’s personal.

Stop searching for your soulmate
Why this modern day fairy tale keeps you from your true power in love. Whenever I hear a client talk about wanting to find their soulmate, their twin flame, their divine union, the “one,” I know exactly the path our work will go. Namely: expanding their understanding...
This is not a Valentine’s Day post
Roses are red. Violets are blue. I’m a lover conflicted about Valentine’s Day. How about you? When I was an adolescent, my middle school sold pink carnations on Valentine’s Day. The idea was that the boys could buy them for their girlfriends (or desired girlfriends)....
On love and the loss of TikTok
I know it sounds funny to use the word “love” in relation to a social media app, but the truth is, that is the feeling I have for TikTok. When it went dark this weekend in my home country of the US this weekend while I sat in my ex-pat home in Canada, I was reminded...
Why love is your best investment right now
Let me sit you down. Let me brew you some tea. And let me spill it all over the living room floor. Chaos is reigning. Trust is dwindling. And you know it. I’m not just talking about the way that politics is ripping families apart. I’m talking about the way that we...
Three things Trump teaches us about how (not) to be an epic lover
I woke up this morning, an American living in Canada, and immediately checked my phone. The first thing I saw was a text from a friend sharing a link to election results. She’s the most anti-politics person I know, so I knew if she was sending me something about the...
How to Be Lonely
How to be lonely in a world of 8 billion people. Don’t text back. Don’t text first. Wonder why no one ever calls. Never call anyone. Be too busy with work. Have a roster. Hold out for perfect. Be open for everyone who comes along. Fuck them on the first date and...
How to Protect Your Heart
We are at war with love. War…with love. At a glance, this seems like a contradiction. The concept of battle does not match the dreamy gaze of the poets. But. The horror stories are adding up. The level of deceit, lies, and heartbreak that exists in the dating world...
One Day You Will Not Be Heartbroken
Though you may have the bitter habit of denying all words of comfort right now, you must hear me on one thing: one day you will not be heartbroken. On that day, whether tomorrow or a thousand tomorrows from now, you will open your eyes and realize they no longer...
And I Tell You This
You ask me why I write about love. Why, in this time when we are watching the world spiral, I spend my words recounting the moments I have slid like honey into another’s chest. And I tell you this: I dreamt I was teaching him how to build a fire to heat his cabin....

Work with me

1:1 - Emotional Alchemy
Deeply personal 1:1 support

The Art of Worship
Experience the power of surrender

The Heartbreak Cure
A 1:1 program on turning pain into power
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40