I practiced as an intuitive healer for 13 years before I began studying Ayurveda. This means I apply Ayurveda to my client work quite differently from other practitioners. My experience diving into the energy of people -- seeing the ways that their bodies carry the...
Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

This is
Intuitive Ayurveda

The Wisdom of Kapha Dosha
As I said in this post, Ayurveda is meant to be contemplative. This is my contemplation on the wisdom of kapha dosha. There is not a woman alive who could not benefit from kapha dosha. Come to think of it, all people will benefit from befriending this principle made...
The Wisdom of Pitta Dosha
As I said in this post, Ayurveda is meant to be contemplative. This is my contemplation on the wisdom of pitta dosha. I love how much I love things. My passion for writing, walking, cooking, Ayurveda, tall trees, picking wild blackberries, backyard gardening,...
Ghee: Better Butter
It had been years since I’d eaten butter, but there I was with two pounds of it. These were my early days of studying Ayurveda. Suspicious as I was about butter, I dropped it into a big pot on my stove and watched it bubble away into something I was told was medicine....
The Wisdom of Vata Dosha
As I said in this post, Ayurveda is meant to be contemplative. This is my contemplation on the wisdom of vata dosha. Like any wind, vata dosha picks up whatever is not weighted down. The drier a leaf, the easier it blows across a road. And where that leaf will end up...
Why You Don’t Get Ayurveda
If you don’t “get” Ayurveda, the problem isn't you. It’s that Ayurveda isn’t meant to be gotten. Ayurveda is not like Western medicine. We don't address the heart without looking at the quality of the blood, or treat the mind as if what’s going on in the large...
Get Spicey: How to Use Ayurvedic Spices
Spices are the reason good food tastes good. In my childhood home there was a decorative spice rack on the counter. Based on the font, it likely dated back to my parent’s wedding. That rack of spices used solely as decoration was the reason our house was not scented...
Grain is Not the Enemy
Why do we think that the path to health must come through torture? For example, I had a roommate once who never ate grain. She also ate standing up for every meal because it burned more calories. As far as I could tell she survived on nuts, triple Americanos, and...
What’s in my cupboards? Part 2: Indulgences
It is not possible to live a life free from indulgence. Again for those in the back: It’s not possible to live a life free from indulgence. But you’re saying, Sonja, you teach Ayurveda and yoga, two doctrines that tell us that happiness is living free from the chains...
What’s in my cupboards? Part 1: Oil
If you want to find out if someone is into Ayurveda, see how much oil they keep on hand. In my house, you'll find oil in the kitchen, in the bathrooms, next to my bed, on the desk where I’m currently writing this, and in every purse I own. I commonly get asked this...

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1:1 - Emotional Alchemy
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The Art of Worship
Experience the power of surrender

The Heartbreak Cure
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“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40