Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.
The Art of Worship Application
Hello beautiful being. I'm so honored that you are coming to me for an exploration of the Art of Worship and all its possibilities. This form is a confidential place for you to share your desires and intentions. Answer as honestly as possible, knowing that my goal as a practitioner is to offer a space of loving non-judgment as you explore all parts of you. Everything that you share in this document will remain confidential and will be used only for the purposes of our work together. After I read your desires in this form, if I determine you're a good fit for the work, I'll send you an invitation to schedule an initial 15-minute complimentary call to talk about the process.
Work with me
1:1 - Emotional Alchemy
Deeply personal 1:1 support
The Art of Worship
Experience the power of surrender
The Heartbreak Cure
A 1:1 program on turning pain into power
The Journal
How to Be Lonely
How to be lonely in a world of 8 billion people. Don’t text back. Don’t text first. Wonder why no one ever calls. Never call anyone. Be too busy with work. Have a roster. Hold out for perfect. Be open for everyone who comes along. Fuck them on the first date and...
How to Protect Your Heart
We are at war with love. War…with love. At a glance, this seems like a contradiction. The concept of battle does not match the dreamy gaze of the poets. But. The horror stories are adding up. The level of deceit, lies, and heartbreak that exists in the dating world...
One Day You Will Not Be Heartbroken
Though you may have the bitter habit of denying all words of comfort right now, you must hear me on one thing: one day you will not be heartbroken. On that day, whether tomorrow or a thousand tomorrows from now, you will open your eyes and realize they no longer...
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40