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In Your Words
“I am a changed person because of Sonja and so are my relationships.”
"I was surprised by how well Sonja really listened to me, and not just my words. She is present, and thus can find the deeper expression among all the rambling and 'I don’t knows.'"
"Sonja is a wise, authentic guide teaching deep and mind-blowing truths using a fun, light-hearted approach.
After each session, I feel more in touch with my intuition and filled with optimism."
The Journal
Love Bombs
“I love you” used to be a compliment, now it’s more of a curse. See it in the way we settle for the mechanics. How we take juiceless walks through songs we should slow dance to. Why we tap a thirst trap and still stay thirsty. Our shields are raised. Our arms are...
Love in the blue lights
Love is on the screen again. I swipe away the men like flies who share the secrets of the not-so-fair sex. My eyes linger on the sad poetry that falls from the mouths of the women who have loved and lived to tell the tale. And when someone is brave enough to offer...
He called me naive, but he didn’t realize that I was simply rooting for him. I know that the path where words align with action is built on uneven ground. I was perched on a high branch above him hoping he would find his footing. He called me naive, but he didn’t...
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40