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Absurdly Easy Ayurvedic Recipes: Roasted Anything

by | May 17, 2021 | Intuitive Ayurveda, Journal, Nourish Ayurvedic (un)Recipes, Wisdom Bites | 0 comments

Roasted vegetables is my mealtime superpower.

I love Ayurveda’s focus on cooking fresh food, but I’m also a mom and do some other work on the side. I need to make sure that I’m as efficient as possible in the kitchen while also making sure that I eat fresh cooked food daily.

Roasting vegetables allows me to:

  • Completely transform cauliflower (but not by making it into rice)
  • Turn sweet potatoes into deliciously caramelized oven fries
  • Make a puzzle with my daughter while dinner is cooking

Combine roasting vegetables with a rice cooker and an InstantPot and it’s the next best thing to having a personal Ayurvedic chef.

Absurdly Easy Ayurvedic Recipe: Roasted Anything

Serves 2

  1. Two big handfuls of chopped root vegetables, zucchini, cauliflower, or broccoli (about a scant cup per person, depending on your appetite). The smaller the pieces, the less time they’ll take to cook, which is how to combine faster cooking veggies, such as zucchini, with slower cooking ones, such as beets.
  2. A good pour of olive or sunflower oil
  3. A sprinkle of salt (the amount you can pinch between your thumb, index, and middle fingers)
  4. Three pinches of any spice you want (again, use your thumb, index, and middle fingers), such as cumin, coriander, pepper, etc.

Heat your oven to 400 F and toss everything into a glass roasting pan. Stir to coat with your hands until all the veggies are shiny with oil.

Roast for 15-40 minutes, depending on the size of your cuts and type of veggie. Start checking about every five minutes after the first 15 minutes until you know how strong your oven is (they vary) and the roasting pattern of certain veggies. They are done when you can pierce the veggies easily with a fork and they are a bit browned, but not burnt.

P.S. I posted this on Instagram Reels and TikTok in case you like to watch.


With a few exceptions like this, I’m sharing my prized collection of Ayurvedic (un)recipes exclusively on The Nest, my membership program. Join today and receive transformational content, monthly virtual gatherings, and 1:1 work with me. Learn more here.

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