Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

Dormant Energy is Energy.

by | Mar 29, 2021 | Journal, Wisdom Bites | 0 comments

The energy inside a seed or an egg is dormancy. The energy of that seed creating a plant that creates fruit or the egg turning into a baby chick is active. Neither types of energies are better nor worse. Just different.

We value the energy of activity because it is visible. We can point to it and name it and engage with it. Dormant energy just sits there, inert and waiting with infinite patience. It’s harder to have a conversation with someone like that, but often it is a far deeper experience than talking to someone who is running all over the place.

But before you dismiss what is dormant and turn your eyes to the loud, crashing displays of power, remember this: Buried in the earth, in our wombs, and in the stars are millions of possibilities, just waiting for their moment.

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