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In Your Words
“I am a changed person because of Sonja and so are my relationships.”
"I was surprised by how well Sonja really listened to me, and not just my words. She is present, and thus can find the deeper expression among all the rambling and 'I don’t knows.'"
"Sonja is a wise, authentic guide teaching deep and mind-blowing truths using a fun, light-hearted approach.
After each session, I feel more in touch with my intuition and filled with optimism."

The Journal
Stop searching for your soulmate
Why this modern day fairy tale keeps you from your true power in love. Whenever I hear a client talk about wanting to find their soulmate, their twin flame, their divine union, the “one,” I know exactly the path our work will go. Namely: expanding their understanding...
This is not a Valentine’s Day post
Roses are red. Violets are blue. I’m a lover conflicted about Valentine’s Day. How about you? When I was an adolescent, my middle school sold pink carnations on Valentine’s Day. The idea was that the boys could buy them for their girlfriends (or desired girlfriends)....
On love and the loss of TikTok
I know it sounds funny to use the word “love” in relation to a social media app, but the truth is, that is the feeling I have for TikTok. When it went dark this weekend in my home country of the US this weekend while I sat in my ex-pat home in Canada, I was reminded...
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40