Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

Yoga Nidra on Sweetness

by | Jul 28, 2021 | Journal, Playfulness, Self-love, The Nest, Yoga at Home, Yoga Nidra | 0 comments

Life is challenging. And it’s easy to become jaded or cynical in the face of struggle.

But cynicism is not your true nature, more like a heavy blanket you wrap around you for protection. But what if you could find peace in a different kind of protection?

No matter who you are or what kind of life experience you’ve had, there is a light within you that is free from care and worry. It is pure and whole, like a baby’s first laugh. This is the light of sukha, your sweetness and ease, and it is waiting for you to remember it.

This practice of yoga nidra will guide you to reconnect with that inner sweetness so you know where to find it and how to tap into it.

If you’re new to yoga nidra, or new to practicing with me, I recommend lying in savasana (corpse pose) on the floor with either a bolster under your knees or elevating your lower legs on a chair. Cover yourself with blankets — even in the summer you’ll get colder as you relax. 

Yoga Nidra Practice: On Sweetness

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The Bhagavad Gita 2:40