Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

of Self Pleasure
Bringing self-love out of the shame closet
Beware: You’re only supposed to do this in private.
Welcome to Self-Pleasure Stories, a unique anonymous forum to capture your experience with masturbation.
Whether you call it wanking, fapping, jerking off, playing with yourself, self-abuse (lord, I hope you don’t call it that), telling your story of masturbation is a way to release yourself from shame and move yourself into pleasure.

Out of the Shame Closet
The act of self-love has too long been relegated to the spaces behind closed doors and under sheets, but what it holds is an offer of self-awareness.
Yes, your masturbation practice can lead to self-awareness.
Here’s why: When you learn what makes your body shiver and shake, you can more easily communicate your desires to a partner. And when you know how to ask for what you want in bed, you’ll be more able to ask for what you want in all parts of life.
So let’s take this act of self-pleasure out of the shame closet. Share the story of how you self-pleasure using the form below, anonymously or not. The simple act of allowing yourself to be witnessed in this usually secret space might be the most liberating thing you’ve done all year.
Why I Want to Know
One of my greatest pleasures in life is the ability to support people to rewrite what feels shameful into a story of their personal legend.
My aim in collecting these stories of self-pleasure is to offer anonymous coaching on my blog and social media around the value of intentional self-pleasure. Your story will in no way be matched to you as an individual (unless you directly tell me that’s what you want).
Hot tip: I’m looking for three volunteers who want to learn how to develop a deeper relationship with self-love that honors your body as the temple of pleasure it is. Sign up in the second form below.

Using the Form
Below, there are TWO forms. The first, is completely anonymous (if you want it to be.) The second, allows you to volunteer to learn how to develop a deeper relationship with self-love that honors your body as the temple of pleasure it is.
All questions are optional. Even if you submit your email address using the second form to volunteer, your identifying information will not be paired with your survey responses.
Self-Pleasure Stories
I'd Like to Volunteer:
The Journal
The Story of Surrender
I know what surrender looks like. She’s on her knees in response to my direction. But the buzz in my ears tells me she is afraid. I ask her what she feels. A desire to run away, she says. I tell her to stand and move away from my sight. He’s crawling toward me on...
Man or Bear or Me
The man vs. bear debate needs one more fighter in the woods: me (and you.) The question has been bouncing around online for some time now. The polls are closed and women have chosen the bear. But I question the question itself, and therefore the integrity of the data....
Love Bombs
“I love you” used to be a compliment, now it’s more of a curse. See it in the way we settle for the mechanics. How we take juiceless walks through songs we should slow dance to. Why we tap a thirst trap and still stay thirsty. Our shields are raised. Our arms are...
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40