Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

Birds and Bees: My Story about Ecosexuality

by | Aug 14, 2024 | Confessionals, Intimacy, Journal, Sensuality, The Erotic, The Spiritual Side of Sex | 0 comments

A little over a year ago I posted a video on my TikTok that got a modest amount of outcry. 

Modest enough to pass the algorithm’s test, but also modest enough to garner the interest of a media company who said they wanted to spread the word about what I was saying. 

The topic: ecosexuality. More specifically, my “relationship” with an oak tree that symbolized the desire for a partner who would never crumble at my feet. (For a woman with as strong a will as I have, it’s a rare thing to find.)

I often found myself at the roots of this particular tree, rebuilding my erotic charge when it was being depleted by men who sought to consume my sexual power, were afraid of my sexual power, and both. It was sacred and special, and contributed greatly to my healing in the realm of relating to men.  

My contact at the media agency assured me the story would be a powerful way to focus on the benefits that ecosexuality could have for those looking for another way to address climate change. 

Forgetting that the news is motivated by profit more than truth these days, I believed him. 

What followed, six months later, was a flood of headlines, a clickbait frenzy that reminded me that the world still (mostly) wants to burn witches and ignore the real story. 

The real story: We are nature. We cannot escape this truth. The earth is present in the bones and hard structures of our bodies. The water is in our tears and genital secretions. The fire is in our blood and passion. The air is in our breath. The ether (space) is our auric field. 

So despite the long list of news articles that painted this ecosexual as crazy, the truth is we’re all having an affair with nature. It’s just not what you think. 

Ecosexuality is not about having physical sex with nature (because, ouch). It is about recognizing the generous erotic life force that nature offers and using it to enhance our own erotic life force. More erotic life force = more health, vitality, passion, and drive. Things we want. Things that can overcome the depression, anxiety, and ennui that seem to be the true global pandemic. 

Why would we turn away from this? 

The ways that I’ve learned to practice ecosexuality are not so different from the ways I’ve learned to practice witchcraft and meditation. I get still. I listen. I notice. 

In doing these three steps, something shifts. Sometimes it’s subtle, and sometimes huge. 

All that magic is anyway is intention + action. It only takes a walk in the woods. 

As far as using nature to create magic goes, I’m not even that original. Witches, shamans, Taoist practitioners, tantrikas, mystics, and saints have all used nature as a magical aid. Not to mention the poets and painters – the works that inspire us were often inspired by the natural world. 

It’s not that weird if you are willing to look past the headlines. And I have come to see that more of us are willing to go deeper these days, because the shallow waters just aren’t working like they used to. 

My questions for you: Are you brave enough to admit that the way a flower opens is sexy? Can you agree that the smack a waterfall makes on the open pool below is hot af? Do you have the courage to expand your eroticism beyond the friction-based connections and welcome into your body the current of erotic life force energy that is available all around you? 

Then get outside. She’s dying to serve you.


Learn to enhance your erotic charge and step into your Goddess (or Goddess worship) era. Sign up for the Art of Worship today

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The Bhagavad Gita 2:40