Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.
Welcome to
The 100 Healings Project.
All of us deserve to be held in our times of need.
All of us deserve to be seen deeply for who we are, not just what we do.
All of us deserve a reminder of our inherent wholeness, that part of us that cannot be taken away or added to.
All of us deserve healing.
Sign up for the 100 Healings Project and claim what you deserve.
In Your Words
“I love this work because it offers a different look at my entire life and helps to shine light on areas that my mind can not access because I’m living inside my own life.”
– TG
Hundred Healings
Hi, I’m Sonja and I’ve been offering my services as an intuitive healer for more than 20 years. I’ve seen the energetic insides of many different types of people from all over the world.
What I’ve found is that no matter where a person is on their path, each is wading through their unique storms of life. And each of us needs a place of refuge to dry off and remember who we are and the glory we’re capable of.
I started the 100 Healings Project as a way to bring intuitive healing to more people.
By offering sessions on a sliding scale basis, I can share this work more broadly and pay it forward in recognition of all the teachers and healers who offered me similar opportunities to engage with them when I was in need.
“It was like having a mirror held up to my soul”
Sign up for the Hundred Healings Project
You’ll receive an email notification when the first drawing is imminent.
How it works
All you need is an interest in receiving an intuitive healing and an email address. Add your name to the form above and you’ll be entered in a pool to receive a healing at a sliding scale. When you’re selected, you can choose to pay between $60-$200 ($165 value – pay less if you need to, more to help those who can’t pay the full price). Each month, I’ll choose up to four names to receive a healing at the price that works for you.
I’ll repeat this each month until I get to 100 healings.
If you’re not selected in the month you entered, you can still purchase a healing at the street price of $165.
The Fine Print
You can enter once every three months (just to give everyone a chance). Once you’ve been selected, you won’t be eligible for the sliding scale again but you can book a healing for $155, or sign up to work with me monthly as an Inner Narrative Alchemy client.
After your healing, I’ll send you the recording of our session and a link to fill out a short testimonial about your experience. You’ll also get on my email list so you can hear about special offers and upcoming courses (sometimes I even teach how to do intuitive healings).
I’ll pick winners at random using this site [] or something similar.
“In her strong yet gentle presence I felt instantly safe and at ease.”
Sign up for the Hundred Healings Project
You’ll receive an email notification when the first drawing is imminent.
Clients have Said…
Here are some of the ways my clients have described the experience of getting an intuitive healing with me:
“After each session, I feel more in touch with my intuition and filled with optimism.”
“I was surprised by how well Sonja really listened to me, and not just my words.”
“I’ve never told anyone that before, and it feels amazing to hear it from you.”
What is an Intuitive Energy Healing Like?
Though I’ve been offering intuitive healings for more than two decades, I don’t entirely understand this gift. Receiving an intuitive energy healing is powerful, but it’s not like a massage, a pedicure, or psychotherapy appointment. The shift is subtle, unfolding over the weeks and months after a session.
Even after 20 years, I am still surprised to be able to gaze at someone’s energetic insides. I am shocked to find out that the heat and color emitting from a stranger’s leg or breast is the site of a medical condition that was previously unknown to me. I am always amazed when I read a client’s past life to find out that they are going through a very similar experience in the present.
In other words, I’m a student of my own practice and am in awe of the fact that reading energy is possible – and that it’s something anyone can do.
I’ve worked with hundreds of clients, and here are just a few things I’ve learned:
- One of the most important parts of being an intuitive is respecting boundaries and asking for energetic consent before looking into the dusty corners.
- My third eye can handle seeing the deepest, darkest parts of whoever shows up, but I place no pressure on revealing anything.
- Much of what I do is to show my clients where their power is waiting for them. Hint: Everyone has a secret superpower that is borne directly from the most challenging parts of their lives.
- The greatest healing secret I’ve learned is how to truly witness a person exactly as they are with nothing but full approval of how they got there.
Who is this work right for?
Intuitive healings are a tool to soothe the spirit, bring peace to the body, and calm the mind. In a 75-minute session you’ll gain a sense of spaciousness and trust in the way that life has unfolded for you.
In nearly 20 years of doing this work, I have found that the most powerful healings occur for those who:
- are passing through a difficult time emotionally, such as pregnancy, menopause, career transition, divorce, or other friction points in life.
- have lost a loved one, through death, divorce, or distance.
- are healing from or preparing for surgery or childbirth.
- are looking to release themselves from negative relationship patterns, and make space for new.
- have an unanswered “why” in their lives, such as understanding their calling or digesting a difficult experience.
Healings are also great gifts for birthdays, holidays, weddings, or anniversaries (I do individual or couple’s sessions).
Who is this work NOT right for?
It’s true: Some people don’t resonate with this work. (That doesn’t mean skeptics — I actually love people who hire me to find out if I am actually psychic!) I don’t recommend one-time intuitive emotional healings to those who:
- need ongoing work to resolve deep trauma or difficult patterns (you’ll be better served by regular work — work with me for 1:1 Inner Narrative Alchemy instead or use your initial session as a starting point to see if we’re a fit).
- believe that all their problems will go away after one session (healing is a way of being, not a destination).
- want to manipulate others’ energy or “fix” someone else.
- have fear of intuition or psychic powers and aren’t ready to unpack the truth that we all have these abilities.
It would be my honor to show you a new way to see yourself. Sign up for the 100 Healings Project today.
Want to book an intuitive healing?
You can sign up for the 100 Healings Project, or you can simply get on my calendar. This is a great option for people who want occasional work with me or to do a test run to see about working ongoing through Inner Narrative Alchemy.
Sign up for the Hundred Healings Project
You’ll receive an email notification when the first drawing is imminent.
The Journal
One Day You Will Not Be Heartbroken
Though you may have the bitter habit of denying all words of comfort right now, you must hear me on one thing: one day you will not be heartbroken. On that day, whether tomorrow or a thousand tomorrows from now, you will open your eyes and realize they no longer...
And I Tell You This
You ask me why I write about love. Why, in this time when we are watching the world spiral, I spend my words recounting the moments I have slid like honey into another’s chest. And I tell you this: I dreamt I was teaching him how to build a fire to heat his cabin....
Your Love is Power
I firmly believe that one of the most important things we can do in life is to love and be loved. In the opening line of my book, Letters to My Lovers, I share my belief that I count among my greatest successes in life my ability to continuously open to love. Even...
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40