Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

November guided meditation: Emotional release

by | Nov 15, 2020 | Journal, The Nest, Yoga at Home, Yoga Nidra | 0 comments

November guided meditation: Emotional release

This meditation uses the Buddhist practice of tonglen breath. You may use this as a guided meditation, or as a tutorial for using tonglen whenever you’re confronted with big emotions. The concept is simple: on an inhale, draw in the emotion that is difficult. On the exhale, breathe out the opposite emotion, or an emotion that brings a sense of peace, such as love or forgiveness.

Journaling prompts:

  • What is my relationship to suffering? When have I experienced pain and discomfort and how have I responded?

  • What do I find pleasurable? Make a list of food, experiences, people, clothing, weather, and more. Anything goes!

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The Bhagavad Gita 2:40