Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

BodyStory Custom Erotica

Hello beautiful being.

I’m so honored that you are coming to me for a bespoke exploration of your erotic fantasies. 

This work is for you if you want to dare to explore an erotic fantasy in a safe play space. It’s perfect for you to try on a desire, explore something that you “should” not want, or simply want to receive the gift of your deepest fantasy come to life. 

This form is a confidential place for you to share the details of the story you want to come to life. Give me as much information as you would like to include in your story, and I’ll get busy making some magic words. 
Once you have your story, you’re free to use it any way your filthy mind desires so long as you attribute the writing to Sonja Semyonova at BodyStory. 

Bespoke Erotica

Before we begin... Are you above the legal age in your local jurisdiction to access sexual content? Before we begin... Are you above the legal age in your local jurisdiction to access sexual content?

Please use the email address you used for registration & payment.

Your deepest desires will guide this work. It’s okay to know exactly what you want and it’s okay to not be 100% sure. Start by sharing as much about the fantasy or fantasies that you would like me to write about. If you need prompting, think of what turns you on as you self-pleasure, search for porn, or read erotica. Some ideas: - Celebration fantasy (a sexual fantasy of worship and adoration, featuring one or many) - Taboo fantasy (something that goes against the "shoulds" or something that has brought you shame in the past that you want to move past) - Sexual revenge fantasy (channel your anger into the erotic -- with no consequences) Share who, what, when, how, where. Don't worry about the why. Here are some prompts to get you started: - I have always wanted to... - The kind of person I want to have in my bed looks like/sounds like/feels like... - Something I want but have never admitted to another person is... Note: I welcome your desires, from vanilla to kinky. However, I won't take commissions for works involving fantasies about individuals below the age of 18 in any form.

If you could choose to feel a certain way in sex, what would it be? (Choose as many as you like)

A peak erotic experience (your sexual "highlight reel") - Sexual or other trauma and how you feel a custom erotica story would address that - Your history with sex therapy and/or erotic bodywork (sexological bodywork, sensual massage, sex workers, sexual surrogates, tantra, etc.) - Any time you've lived some aspect of this sexual fantasy described in the question above.

Do you want 1:1 guidance from me to bring our your fantasy before I write it? Your story includes one 30-minute call to go over the frame of what you want. If your concept isn't clear, or you struggle to direct me where you want to go, I will suggest you sign up for a package of 4 sessions to explore how you engage with desire and add color to your erotic fantasies.

Informed Consent & Agreement Please check each of the boxes to demonstrate your understanding of the following guidelines around our work together:

2 + 2 =

The Journal

“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”

The Bhagavad Gita 2:40