I have a strong desire that anyone who is in my home leaves well fed. We haven't been together in person for BodyStory: Hunger, but I still want you to eat well. I’ll do the next best thing: share my (un)recipe for Brown Rice Risotto. The Italian grandmother in me...
Befriend your body. Rewrite the story of your life.

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BodyStory Exclusive

BodyStory: Hunger Week 6
It's our final class in BodyStory: Hunger. The fire we've been gathering around has turned to soft, glowing embers. But before it dies out completely and we return to our lives to integrate and apply, let's invoke a new deity. A goddess this time -- a distant cousin...
BodyStory: Hunger Ayurvedic (Un)Recipe: Masala Francais
This masala has been around the world. I first tried herbs de Provence, the inspiration for this combination, from a spice blend sold at Whole Foods in Colorado. Many years later, I created this French-inspired masala while I was living in Mexico. Oregano, rosemary,...
BodyStory: Hunger Week 5
We're in week 5 of BodyStory: Hunger, where we dive into wildfire. Whether it is the wildfire that has left us choking and gasping through our summers or the kind that sends our minds racing to and fro like a squirrel trying to cross a busy road, we all know this type...
BodyStory: Hunger Ayurvedic (Un)Recipe: Rose Tahini Cookies
Devotion is an attitude that can be applied to just about anything. Including preparing food. Given how many people simultaneously are stretched for time and lack a foundational understanding of what daily nourishment should look like (simple, whole foods-based,...
BodyStory: Hunger Week 4
Week 4 of BodyStory: Hunger was a sort of slow-motion replay. Rather than continue down the path we were on, we tossed aside the map to follow the fire's lead -- deeper into the concept of devotion. This is the kind of thing that happens when you start listening to...
BodyStory: Hunger Ayurvedic (Un)Recipe: Sweeten Up Masala
I’m so in love with this masala that a base desire in me says I shouldn’t share it. But before labeling myself greedy and selfish, I remember to peel back that desire to see what it’s saying about me. I see that it tells me how much I value the creations I make in my...
BodyStory: Hunger Week 3
Welcome to week 3 of BodyStory: Hunger. Below you'll find the video and audio recordings of our third class. Journaling prompts to work on if you choose: What kinds of cravings have threatened to consume you? Write about food, a person, an experience. Describe what it...
BodyStory: Hunger Ayurvedic (Un)Recipe: Just Right Soup
I don’t know where I would be without soup. No, I do. I’d be ordering a lot more take-out. And feeling quite imbalanced as a result. Soup welcomes that shifting understanding of balance we talked about in week 2 of BodyStory: Hunger. We can make it light or hearty....
BodyStory: Hunger Week 2
Welcome back to BodyStory: Hunger. Below you'll find the video and audio recordings of our second class. Journaling prompts to work on if you choose: What messages does my body hold about balance? When does it tell me that I’ve gone too far? What do I do to get back...

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The Art of Worship
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The Heartbreak Cure
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“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure.”
The Bhagavad Gita 2:40